My Journey Through the Increasing Invisibility of Middle Age
I went to the grocery store yesterday looking like something the cat dragged in. Seriously, I don't think I've ever gone out in public looking quite so scruffy. My (happily) graying hair was a little dirty and pulled into an extremely messy bun. I was wearing baggy jeans tucked sloppily into my faux Uggs, and had so many layers underneath my coat that I looked about four sizes bigger than I actually am.
I’m Retiring from Aunthood
I became an aunt on my 30th birthday when my younger sister had her first baby. I had just (finally) graduated with my B.A. after spending ten years changing majors. (Oh, if I had only listened to my heart instead of taking everyone’s practical advice!)
People with Depression Don’t Have “Low Vibes” or the “Wrong Mindset”
I used to email my friend, Leslie, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to check in on our progress around our latest set of goals. Every conversation we had centered around what we were striving for and where we were heading.
How Childlessness and Impending Apocalypse Have Made Me Rethink the Concept of “Legacy”
Someday, I will be forgotten. Probably sooner than I'd hoped.
We’re Supposed to Go Back to Normal Life Now?
Two months ago, every article I read about Covid-19 talked about how virulent the Omicron strain is – so much so that the masks we were using would not work to prevent its spread, according to the experts. They recommended purchasing N95 masks and replacing them regularly.
My Dopamine Detox: Three Months In
Of Course He’s Crazy – And No, That Doesn’t Matter
The question we should be asking is: Why do we keep placing egomaniacal, war-mongering, racist, lying, violent men in positions of power and then enabling them while they’re there?